Tower of Saviors 維基
Tower of Saviors 維基


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 * Demo for the [[Modal]] library.
require(['wikia.window', 'jquery', 'mw'], function(window, $, mw) {
    var ModalDemo = {
        loading: 2,
        modal: function(modal) {
            this.modal = modal;
        ui: function(ui) {
            this.ui = ui;
        load: function() {
            if (--this.loading === 0) {
                this.modals = {};
                if (mw.util.$content) {
                    .add($.proxy(this.content, this));
        content: function($content) {
                .each($.proxy(this.each, this));
        each: function(_, el) {
            var $this = $(el),
                modal = $'modal-demo'),
                func = this[modal + 'Modal'];
            if (typeof func !== 'function') {
                console.warn('Invalid modal demo!', modal);
            if (!this.modals[modal]) {
                this.modals[modal] = new this.modal.Modal(func());
            $$.proxy(, this));
        click: function(e) {
        simpleModal: function() {
            return {
                content: 'Hello World!',
                id: 'SimpleModal',
                size: 'small'
        mediumModal: function() {
            return {
                content: 'This is a medium-sized modal.',
                id: 'MediumModal',
                size: 'medium',
                title: 'Medium-sized modal'
        uiModal: function() {
            return {
                content: {
                    children: [
                        'This modal uses UI-js to generate the content and it\'s the same size as the content.',
                            attr: {
                                alt: 'Fandom logo',
                                title: 'Fandom logo',
                                src: ''
                            type: 'img'
                    type: 'div'
                id: 'UIModal',
                size: 'content-size'
        buttonsModal: function() {
            return {
                buttons: [
                        classes: ['my-custom-class'],
                        event: 'custom1',
                        id: 'my-custom-id',
                        primary: true,
                        text: 'Primary button'
                        disabled: true,
                        text: 'Disabled button'
                        event: 'custom2',
                        sprite: 'ok',
                        text: ' '
                        event: 'custom3',
                        name: 'my-name',
                        type: 'input',
                        value: 'This is actually an input element!'
                        href: mw.util.getUrl('Special:Random'),
                        target: 'hmm',
                        text: 'This is a link!',
                        title: 'This is the link\'s title!',
                        type: 'link'
                content: 'This modal has buttons!',
                events: {
                    custom1: function() {
                        new BannerNotification('Custom event 1!', 'confirm').show();
                    custom2: function() {
                        new BannerNotification('Custom event 2!', 'warn').show();
                    custom3: function() {
                        new BannerNotification('Custom event 3!', 'error').show();
                id: 'ButtonsModal'
        altlinkModal: function() {
            return {
                altLink: {
                    href: mw.util.getUrl('Special:MyPage'),
                    id: 'my-alt-link',
                    text: 'An alternative link approaches.',
                    title: 'This is the alternative link\'s title.'
                buttons: [
                        event: 'close',
                        primary: true,
                        text: 'Close me'
                closeEscape: false,
                closeTitle: 'Cubes!',
                content: 'This modal has an alternative link. Also, it doesn\'t close when pressing Escape and the title when you hover over the X button is different. Woo!',
                id: 'AltLinkModal',
                size: 'large'
        type: 'script',
        articles: [
    mw.hook('dev.modal').add($.proxy(ModalDemo.modal, ModalDemo));
    mw.hook('dev.ui').add($.proxy(ModalDemo.ui, ModalDemo));